Pre-Cal 40S Wiki Notebook
This is a place for students to help each other learn by writing a collaborative notebook! This counts for marks. You must make at least two edits/contributions to the wiki. One must be a significant contribution and the other must be a constructive modification. Here is what you have to do:
A Significant Contribution means ...
you completely solve a problem including a detailed annotation of the steps involved. You may want to look at an example.
You may have another idea for a significant contribution to the wiki. I'm open to your suggestions. Talk to me and make a suggestion. If we both agree that it would fall under this category then go ahead. Be creative with this; I'd really love to hear your ideas.
A Constructive Modification means ...
you edit someone elses work, not your own. You might correct a significant error or several small errors. Maybe you want to reorganize a page or the navigation from this home page. Maybe you want to edit someone else's entry, not for content, but for the way it's written such as by adding some meaningful colour or graphics. Again, be creative with this.
How this works....
In the table above you'll find a list of links to the various units that we study in this course.
I've posted a couple interesting problems and a couple of basic skills questions for you to solve in each unit. In solving these problems you'll need to use all of the skills we've learned in class. Generally speaking, these questions will require you to review the entire unit; you'll also find a couple of questions that have been poorly done on previous examinations. Solving them here, in a low pressure environment, will help prepare you to ace your tests and the final exam!
Solving the problems is only half the challenge! You also have to explain the steps you took to do so, including:
- all calculations done. They should be annotated so that another student who missed class the day the material was taught will be able to replicate your work.
- what do the numbers mean? Interpret the results in light of the problem given (where appropriate).
Take advantage of the tremendous learning and studying opportunities available to you here. Start small, just write the first step. The next person can annotate what you did. Another person can do the next step; and so on. Work together on this folks!
Click on the link that interests you and add your own content.
You may also like to share any tricks you have that:
- Help you remember important information or
- Help you solve problems
A Word of Advice....
When you click on the "Edit this page" link at the top left corner of this page you'll find a list of commands or codes you can use to edit the wiki in the right hand column of the page. You can also get Help on the XWiki Syntax at the bottom of the editing window ..... regular HTML code works too.
Learn Hard!!
Mr. Kuropatwa
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